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Terms Of Use

Our company is owned by PANAGIOTOPOULOS ALEXIOS SPYRIDONOS, doing business as Greece At Last (“Company,” “we,” “us,” “our”). Our full company info:

  • Owner: Panagiotopoulos Alexios Spyridonos
  • Address: Pamvotidos 77, Glyfada, Attiki 16561, Greece
  • VAT Number: EL141874718
  • G.E.MI.: 173028403000

You can contact us by phone at (+30) 212 1212355, email at, or by mail to Pamvotidos 77, Glyfada, Attiki 16561, Greece.

Greece At Last provides this Website and the Services to you subject to the notices, terms and conditions set forth in these terms (“Terms of Use”). In addition, when you use any of our Services, you will be subject to the rules, instructions, policies, terms and conditions that apply to such service and are incorporated into these Terms of Use with this reference.

Your eligibility to use the Website depends on fulfilling the following conditions:

  • You use the Website and the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations set by state and country of residence
  • Provide complete and accurate registration information and maintain accurate Webite registration information
  • You agree and understand that Greece At Last may, at any time, and without prior notice, revoke and / or revoke your access if you do not meet these criteria or violate any part of these Terms of Use

Use of this site

In relation to your use of our Website, you must act responsibly and have good judgment. Without limitation of the above, you will not:

  • Violate any local, state, provincial, national or other law or regulation or any court decision
  • Violation of the rights of any person or entity, including without limitation, their intellectual property, privacy, publicity or contractual rights
  • Interference with or destruction of our Services, including, without limitation, through the use of viruses, cancellation of bots, Trojan horses, malicious passwords, flood ping, denial of service attacks, forgery of packages or IPs, fake itineraries or e-mail addresses or
  • Use automated scripts to gather information or otherwise interact with the Services or the Website
  • Sign this agreement on behalf of another person or entity without your consent or legal capacity to enter into such agreements as a representative of an organization or entity

Intellectual property

All code, text, software, scripts, graphics, files, photos, images, logos and materials contained on this Website or within the Services are the exclusive property of Greece At LAst.

Unauthorized use of any material contained on this Website or within the Service may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, privacy and publicity laws and / or other regulations and statutes. If you believe that any of the materials infringe on third party rights, contact Greece At Last immediately via the info in our contact page.

Privacy Policy

We care about data privacy and security. Please review our Privacy Policy.

By using the Services, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Legal Terms. Please be advised the Services are hosted in Greece and Finland.

If you access the Services from any other region of the world with laws or other requirements governing personal data collection, use, or disclosure that differ from applicable laws in Greece, then through your continued use of the Services, you are transferring your data to Greece, and you expressly consent to have your data transferred to and processed in Greece.

Third party websites

Our site may link you to other sites on the Internet or otherwise include references to information, documents, software, materials and / or services provided by other parties. These sites may contain information or material that some individuals may find inappropriate or offensive.

These other sites and sites are not under our control, and you acknowledge that we are not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, legality, decency or any other aspect of the content of these sites, nor are we responsible for errors or omissions of any references to other parties or their products and services. The inclusion of such link or reference is provided for convenience only and does not imply endorsement or affiliation with the Website or any part of us, or any warranty of any kind, express or implied.

Disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability

The site is provided “AS IS.” The appfigures, its suppliers, officers, managers, employees and agents block and disclaim all statements and warranties, express or implied, relating to this Website or in connection with the Services. You exclude Greece At Last from any liability for damages related to or arising out of the use of this Website.

Changes to these Terms of Use

Greece At Last reserves the right, at any time, to modify or discontinue any or all portions of the Site without notice.

In addition, Greece At Last reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify these Terms of Use at any time, with effect by posting new terms on the Website with the modification date. You are responsible for reading and understanding the terms of this agreement before registering or using the Service. The use of your Website and / or Services after the publication of any such modification constitutes your acceptance of the new terms as modified in these Terms of Use.

Government law

These Terms of Use and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection therewith, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of Greece, without prejudice to any choice or conflict of law provisions or rules.

Any legal action, action or procedure arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use or the Website will be enacted exclusively in the federal courts of Greece.